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Work Experience

September 2021 - April 2022

The SGA or Student Government Association is the student representative body that links the faculty of American University in Dubai with its student population. The specific role, of the representative of the school of business administration, entailed making sure of a link between the high echelons of the school and its students through actions such as addressing student complaints. Furthermore, this role has forced me to be able to know the respective chairs of the School of Business in AUD, know all the people studying in the School of Business here in AUD, and create a better environment in the School of Business. Overall, this work experience gave me the chance to grow my skills in communication and leading a whole sector population of a school. Additionally, this work experience gave me the invaluable experience of working and being part of a great team; teamwork.

MARCH 2022

The AUDMUN or Model United Nations of the American University in Dubai is a weekend of conferences where delegates debate about major topics, similar to what the actual United Nations does in real life. I was responsible along with my co-chair for chairing the UNOOSA, The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, committee. This involved controlling the caucus, deciding on which group had the best resolutions for the subject matter, etc. Pre-conference, the chairs had the responsibility of researching and knowing all the facts about the issue at hand which was Outer Space Affairs. The knowledge and research did not just include the position of the UN on the matter but anything relating to the subject matter and the position of each country, that delegates were representing. Additionally, this work experience enabled me to gain skills in managing in a conference environment and altering people's minds through the form of debating. I put my debating skills to the test throughout the conference weekend when I had to step in and represent the position of Ukraine on the subject matter.

September 2021 - April 2022

The Peer Advisor role in the American University in Dubai was designed to allow experienced students to help smooth the transition for freshman students. The student affairs officers would give the peer advisor's a list of freshmen and they are the responsibility of Peer Advisors. This duty can include; answering questions, following up, etc. Furthermore, Peer Advisor was not just expected to do the previously mentioned tasks but was expected to go above and beyond. This leadership training gave me the skill of ensuring the success of others and put me in a position where it was my responsibility to the other students. In other words, the skills of being a manager and ensuring other people work in a team.

Resume : CV


Multicultural Wolrdview


Excel for Financial Analysis

Resume : CV

Learning Exprience





Resume : CV
Personal Desk
Resume : Services

For a more condensed version of all the experiences and skills that I contain, view my CV. For some of my accomplishments during my university career visit my academia page.

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